Audit Button for Content Publishing
under review
Maria Camillo
Request a feature that enables editors to perform a pre-publishing content audit by pressing an "Audit" button. The tool will identify and flag potential content issues to ensure published pages are high-quality, accessible, and error-free. This will streamline the quality assurance process and reduce post-publishing corrections.
*Improves the quality and accessibility of website content.
*Reduces manual error-checking time for editors.
*Prevents post-publication corrections that disrupt user experience.
*Encourages compliance with accessibility and content standards.
- Trigger: The content editor clicks an 'audit button' in preview mode to check for issues before setting the page live.
- Content Analysis: The system scans the draft page for the following issues:
*Broken Internal Links: Checks for broken internal links to prevent navigation issues.
*Broken External Links: Validates external URLs to ensure they are active and functional.
*Heading Structure: Reviews headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to ensure logical order and hierarchy compliance.
*Image Alternative Text: Confirms that alt text is provided for all images.
*Spelling Errors: Flags spelling mistakes for correction.
*Strange Formatting Code: Detects and highlights unnecessary code introduced when content is copied and pasted from platforms like SharePoint or Word.
- Generate Audit Report: The system displays an audit summary listing issues detected, categorised by severity and with suggested fixes.
- Correction Phase: The editor reviews and addresses flagged issues directly in Squiz.
- Re-audit (Optional): The editor can re-run the audit after corrections to verify fixes.
John Efta
under review
John Efta
Hi Maria,
Thank you for taking the time to pass along the suggestion and articulate the benefits. Some of the features noted are available in the accessibility auditor in certain rich text editor fields. Still, adding the capabilities outlined more directly into the publishing pipeline and at the entire page level would indeed streamline the quality assurance process. I’lll take the suggestion under advisement as we build our roadmap and continue to enhance the page building capabilities.
John Efta
Senior Product Manager